Home FAQ

We are based and operating from Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

You can call our consumer care number - 95515 88088 or email your queries to consumercare@hareenafoods.com

No, All prices are displayed in Indian Rupees, not including GST.

As a member you can:

  1. Earn Reward Points for every purchase.
  2. Check out faster when making a purchase.
  3. Track the status of your orders easily
  4. See any of your past orders.

When you have successfully completed your order, you will receive a confirmation email within 5 – 10 minutes. If you don’t receive an email, please get in touch with our consumer care team. Be sure to check your spam/junk folder first!

You can make payment via UPI, VISA, MasterCard, RuPay, Internet Banking, etc,.

We are strongly committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe and secure online experience. We have taken measures to ensure that your credit card and personal details are kept safe at all times.

No, we don’t store any of your payment details, which means you will have to enter them each time you place an order, but at least you know there’s no risk.